Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay.

No. 1025.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that Admiral Frederick Rodgers, commanding the Asiatic Squadron, has been, with his staff, paying a visit to Peking, and that among other courtesies shown him was an audience at the Imperial palace on yesterday, at which he was received with great pomp and ceremony by both the Emperor and Empress Dowager. All the members of the foreign office were present, together with several hundred other officials and attendants.

The Admiral was accompanied by three members of his staff, and I had with me Captain Reeves, military attaché, Dr. Barchet, acting Chinese secretary, and Lieutenant Wei born and Dr. Lyster, of the legation guard. Everything passed off pleasantly, and no detail was [Page 241] neglected by the Chinese officials to make the affair courteous and satisfactory.

I made no speech, except to introduce the Admiral.

Your Majesties: I thank you for this opportunity to bring before you a distinguished American officer, and I take great pleasure in presenting to Your Majesties Admiral Frederick Rodgers, the commander in chief of the Asiatic Squadron of the U. S. Navy.

The Admiral then made a brief speech, which was interpreted into Chinese by Dr. Barchet. Prince Ching then received from the hands of the Emperor and read a reply on behalf of Their Majesties, which was interpreted into English by a Chinese interpreter. The Admiral and I were then invited to ascend the throne, where, through Mr. Lien-fang, the Empress Dowager addressed us the remarks which were afterwards handed to us in Chinese.

To the several questions proposed we made courteous replies.

I inclose copies of the speeches, and the correspondence leading up to the audience.

This is a wide departure from the old custom here, but one audience of the kind having ever been held before, namely, that of the commander-in-chief of the Russian squadron, about one month ago. It was at that time tacitly understood by the ministers that audiences would not be asked for naval officers, except commanders in chief.

I took occasion to say to Prince Ching, Wang Wenshao, and other officials, while taking refreshments in the waiting room, that such opportunities, both here and and in foreign countries, of bringing the occidental and oriental officials in contact would prove of mutual benefit, to which they heartily assented.

The Admiral left for Taku this morning, having apparently greatly enjoyed his stay in this old capital.

I have, etc.,

E. H. Conger.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Conger to Prince Ching.

F. O., No. 398.]

Your Highness: Admiral Frederick Rodgers, commander in chief of the Asiatic Squadron of the U. S. Navy, arrived with his staff in Peking yesterday, and is desirous as a friendly act on the part of his Government to pay his respects to His Imperial Majesty. I therefore respectfully request that Your Highness will properly memorialize the Throne for the favor of an Imperial audience for this purpose. This will be an additional evidence of the friendship existing between our two Governments, and, I trust, prove of mutual benefit.

The recent audience given to his excellency the Russian admiral assures me of the willingness of His Majesty to grant this request.

The Admiral must soon return to his duties at sea, hence I venture to hope that as early a date as possible may be fixed upon.

Thanking Your Highness in advance, and being confident that the audience asked for will be pleasing to my Government, I avail, etc.,

E. H. Conger.
[Inclosure 2.]

Prince Ching to Mr. Conger.

F. O., No.378.]

I am in receipt of your excellency’s dispatch, stating that Admiral Rodgers, commander in chief of the Asiatic Squadron of the U. S. Navy, arrived with his staff [Page 242] in Peking yesterday, and that he is desirous of paying his respects to His Imperial Majesty as a friendly act on the part of his Government.

Your excellency requests that I memorialize the Throne for the favor of an Imperial audience for this purpose; this will be an additional evidence of the friendship existing between our two Governments.

Your excellency further states that the Admiral must soon return to his duties at sea.

I also received your excellency’s letter stating that the audience should take place either Saturday or Sunday. As His Majesty the Emperor has to go to the temple on Saturday, and has to make offerings at the altar of earth on Sunday, it will be will be impossible to have the audience on either of the days mentioned.

But if the Admiral can wait till Monday or Tuesday (June 23 or 24), I can ask for a decree to fix a date for the audience; but I do hope, however, that your excellency will send me a reply this very day to let me know.

With compliments.

Card of Prince Ch’ing.

[Inclosure 3.]

Prince Ching to Mr. Conger.

F. O., No. 380.]

I am in receipt of a dispatch from your excellency requesting an audience for Admiral Rodgers.

I have memorialized the Throne on the subject and had the honor of receiving an Imperial decree In person (verbally).

“Let the audience take place at the Ch’ien-ch’ing Palace on the 24th of June, at 11 o’clock, a.m.

“Respect this.”

As in duty bound, I had this decree reverently written out for your excellency’s information and for that of Admiral Rodgers.

I also beg to inclose a programme for the occasion.

A necessary dispatch.


Itineraire programme of etiquette for the audience.

The Foreign office will, on the appointed day, depute officials to escort your excellency, together with Rear-Admiral Rodgers, in chairs, to the Tung-hua men.

The attachés and interpreter will leave their chairs outside the Shang sze yuan and walk to the Ching yun men, where your excellency and the rear-admiral will change to palace chairs, provided by the Imperial household, and proceed to the Ch’ien-ch’ing, outside of which you will leave your chairs and walk through the middle gate of the Ch’ien-men, to the Chang-shu-fan library, where you will sit, till, at 11 a.m., Their Majesties the Empress Dowager and the Emperor shall have ascended the throne.

The high minister of the Foreign office will then conduct your excellency and the real-admiral, the attaches and the interpreter to the middle throne hall, which they will enter, making a bow; after proceeding a few steps they will make another bow, and a third bow in front of the throne, when your excellency and the rear-admiral will address the Throne. After the interpreter has interpreted it into Chinese the Empress Dowager and the Emperor will respond, and the high minister of state will transmit it to the interpreter to be reverently interpreted.

When this is accomplished, your excellency and Rear-Admiral Rodgers will retire with a bow, after a few steps make a second bow, and a third bow on reaching the door of the throne hall. This ends the ceremony.

The attachés and interpreter will follow out by the left door of the throne hall, bowing as they go out.

Your excellency will, as before, wait a while at the Shang-shu-fang library and proceed in palace chairs, passing through the Ching yun men, when you will leave the small chairs and proceed in sedans.

The attachés and interpreter will walk as far as the Shang sze yuan, outside of which they will take their sedans or ponies and return to their legation.

[Page 243]
[Inclosure 4.]

Prince Ching to Mr. Conger.

F. O., No. 381.]

With reference to the audience to be given on the 19th of the fifth moon, at 11 a.m., at the Ch’ien Ch’ing palace, to which your excellency is to bring Admiral Rodgers, we would ask your excellency to send us a list of the names and titles of the persons who will come with Admiral Rodgers to the audience.

We shall thank your excellency, further, to let us know the words with which the Throne will be addressed. This should be sent in to us this very day for the information of the Throne.

With compliments of the season.

Card of Prince Ching.

[Inclosure 5.]

Address of Admiral Rodgers at audience given by Emperor.

Your Majesties: I desire to express my sincere appreciation and thanks for this opportunity of paying my respects to Your Majesties as commander-in-chief of the naval forces of the United States in Asiatic waters. I am representing the Navy Department of the United States, and it will be a great gratification to be able to report that I have been given an audience by Your Majesties. I also desire to say that it is my belief that there are no people in the world, who are more familiar with or who take more interest in the history of China than those of the United States of America.

Without doubt the commercial interests between the two countries will continually increase in importance, and this mutual interest should be a great factor in maintaining the pleasant relations just referred to.

The friendly and cordial relations which now exist between China and the United States are certainly a source of great gratification to my Government, and that these conditions should be maintained and strengthened is our earnest desire, as we also wish peace and prosperity to this great Empire.

[Inclosure 6.]

Reply of the throne to Mr. Conger and to the address of Admiral Rodgers.

The honorable admiral whom your excellency introduced has expressed, in his appreciative address to the Throne, sincere and friendly feelings, which we recognize with very great pleasure.

The two nations have hitherto been on truly friendly terms. This friendship will, from this day, be more and more intimate, to the well-being and prosperity of the people.

That we may enjoy the blessings of peace is our sincere hope.

[Inclosure 7.]

Supplementary remarks of the Empress Dowager at the audience given to Admiral Rodgers, June 24, 1902.

Addressing the Hon. E. H. Conger:

“Is the President of your honorable country well?”

“Is the honorable admiral well?”

“How many days was the honorable admiral on the way to Peking?”

“Did he come from the Pacific Ocean, or did he come direct from America?”

“We have long heard about the victories of the powerful Navy of your honorable country, and we are greatly pleased with what we know of the strict discipline and drill which obtains in the fleet in the Pacific under the command of the honorable admiral.”

The Empress Dowager next asked after the health of the honorable minister, and [Page 244] remarked that “Ever since the honorable minister came to Peking and had occasion to transact business with the Prince and ministers, he did so in a friendly spirit, to the satisfaction of all. The increasing friendship between America and China is largely owing to his endeavors. May the honorable minister enjoy peace all the time he remains in China.”

“When the honorable admiral returns, we ask him to convey our greetings to the President of the United States, for whom we wish happiness, long life, peace, and prosperity.

“May the country have dignity, honor, and great happiness.

“May good luck also follow the honorable admiral all the way home, and may he have at all times his heart’s desire.”