Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay.

No. 1035.]

Sir: Continuing the subject-matter of my dispatch No. 1013, of June 11 last, and confirming my telegram of the 28th ultimo concerning the proposed return of the city of Tientsin to the Chinese Government, I inclose copy of a note to the dean by his excellency the German minister, in which he transmits draft of a proposed note to be sent to the foreign office by the diplomatic corps, I do not inclose [Page 196] copy of this note, because it simply repeats the conditions sent you in my No. 1013, of the 11th ultimo.

Although the Russian minister joined in the preparation of the note addressed to the foreign office, yet at the meeting of the corps he notified his colleagues that he had been instructed by his Government to take no part in the proposing of conditions for the return of Tientsin, and to withdraw from all responsibility therefor. I refused to take part, for the reasons given in my telegram. All the other representatives signified their willingness to join in sending the proposed note to the foreign office, but as it was not unanimous, nothing could be done.

The probability is that the powers taking part in the provisional government and being responsible for its continuance will be obliged to surrender the city on such terms as they themselves can exact from the Chinese.

I inclose also copy of a letter from the military commandants, giving a list of important contracts entered into or concessions granted by the Tientsin provisional government.

I have, etc.,

E. H. Conger.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. von Mumm to the Dean of the diplomatic corps.

Mr. Dean and Dear Colleague: I have the honor to transmit to you herewith, in the name of my colleagues, the British, French, Russian, Japanese, and Italian ministers, and in mine, draft of letter addressed to the Chinese plenipotentiaries in answer to their communication of March 5 last, on the subject of the return of the city of Tientsin to the Imperial Chinese authorities.

This letter contains the conditions which we believe should be proposed for the surrender and suppression of the provisional government.

The conditions in question have been the subjects of long deliberations between us and the generals commanding the foreign corps at Tientsin. We have endeavored in determining these conditions to confine ourselves to the stipulations of the protocol of September 7, 1901. We believe, on the other hand, that as presently drawn up, these conditions, if collectively put into execution, would assure the security of the troops which our Governments maintain in Chihli and the proper discipline among them. It has appeared to us equally indispensable to point out the validity of the acts of the provisional government during the two years it has acted in the name of the generals commanding our troops.

We would be grateful to you if you would be kind enough to circulate the documents in question among our colleagues, and to call at the earliest possible date a meeting of the diplomatic corps, in which we would study the measures necessary to assure the execution of these conditions by the Chinese Government.

Please accept, etc.,

A. Mumm.
[Inclosure 2.]

The generals and commandants of the contingents in China to the Dean of the diplomatic corps.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the letter from the members of the diplomatic corps, dated June 7, on the return by the provisional government of Tientsin to the Chinese authorities, and in accordance with the demand expressed in paragraph 9 of said letter to inclose you herewith a list of the contracts entered into by the provisional government. I must remark that it is our unanimous [Page 197] desire that this list be not communicated to the Chinese authorities before they shall have accepted in principle the maintenance of the validity of these contracts, etc.

Please accept, etc.,

  • Von Rohrecheidt,
    General, Commanding the German Forces in China.
  • Kirchmayr,
    Commanding Austrian Forces in China..
  • O. M. Creaqh,
    Major-General, Commanding British Forces in China.
  • J. Lefevre,
    General, Commanding French Troops in China.
  • S. W. Ameglio,
    Colonel, Commanding Italian Forces in China.
  • Akiyama,
    Colonel, Commanding Japanese Forces in China.
  • ____ ____,
    Colonel, Commanding Russian Forces in China.

Contracts entered into by the Tientsin promsional government.

(a) the council.

1. March 13, 1901, with the founders of the water company in the Chinese city of Tientsin for the establishment of works for furnishing water to the Chinese city.

2. November 11, 1901, with the electric light and traction company, for the establishment of electric light and tramways in the Chinese city.

3. May 26, 1902, with the Tientsin Land Improvement Company, to establish a drainage system in the city.

4. A turn bridge over the Pei-ho River, near the railway station.

(b) treasury.

5. Contract entered into by Colonel 0’Sullivan on behalf of the council for the payment of the duties and the transfer of the treasury to the Imperial Chinese maritime customs.

6. The purchase of a steamer.

(c) public works.

7. Contract for stone.

8. Drain around the city.

9. Drain along the south boulevard and contract entered into for filling up the southeast and southwest corners of the city.

10. Bridge on Taku road.

11. Construction of a likin bureau at Chen Chia Ko.

12. Construction of a likin bureau at Si pei Men.

13. Construction of a likin bureau at Yang Chia Chuang.

14. Construction of a likin bureau at Ta Hung Chiao.

15. New building for the treasury.

16. A road from the city to the match factory.

17. Bridge on Hsi Pai Men road.

18. For removing the excrements deposited on the banks of the river. Demolition of the forts of—

19. Hsin Chong.

20. South of Taku.

21. North of Taku.

22. Northwest of Taku.

23. No. 1 of the Peitang.

24. Nos. 2 and 3, Peitang.

25. Nos. 5 and 6, Peitang.

26. Nos. 2 and 3 of Shanhaikuan.

27. Contract for a fort of Shanhaikuan (Gueden & Marcadier).

(d) sanitary service.

28. With Li Yuen Cheng, for three years, for the construction and maintenance of public privies.

[Page 198]

(e) police department.

29. Contract entered into for the maintenance and clothing of the police and prisoners.


North of Tientsin.—Contract entered into for the leasing of lands belonging to the Government to subjects:

Chang Chia Wan, terminating December 31, 1902.
Mu Chia Ch., terminating December 31, 1902.
Li Chia Tsui, terminating December 31, 1902.
Ma Lo and Ching Fu, terminating December 31, 1902.

South of Tientsin.—No contract.

Tongku.—5. Contract with two Chinese, named Chang Hsi Chuang and Tschang Tze Ping, for cutting the reeds during 1902.

Chung Liang Cheng.—6. Lease with various fanners for the rice farms of Hsiao Chan.