Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hay.

No. 470.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith my remarks as dean of the diplomatic corps at the reception of the President to the foreign representatives on the day of his inauguration, and the answer of Dr. Rodrigues Alves, with translations of these addresses.

I have, etc.,

Charles Page Bryan.
[Inclosure 1.]

Translation of Mr. Bryan’s address.

Mr. President: The members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Government of Brazil come, on this anniversary so prized in your history, to wish Your Excellency the most complete success in the discharge of this most honorable office which has been intrusted to you.

[Page 115]

We desire for this vast country an increasing prosperity under the wise administration of Your Excellency, to whom at the same time we wish all personal happiness. Those of us who have the good fortune to be present at your accession to power shall follow with sincere interest and sympathy the continued development of Brazil, a development which we hope to see crown the most brilliant ambitions of a people so richly endowed, as well as every ardent desire of Your Excellency for this great Republic.

It is the earnest prayer of the representatives of all our countries that your national strength may be such as will best assure the permanent peace and prosperity of the nation.

[Inclosure 2.]

Translation of the President’s answer.

Mr. Minister: It is with real satisfaction that I have received the courteous expressions of friendship which the members of the diplomatic corps have addressed to me on this memorable day, and I am grateful for the sincere interest which they manifest in the prosperity of my administration in the Government which I am assuming in obedience to the will of my fellow-citizens.

I shall do all that is in my power to maintain unchanged the relations of cordial friendship which happily now exist between our countries, and in furthering this end I hope that I shall not lack the effective help of the diplomatic representatives here present.

I thank them for their presence on this occasion and I reciprocate their wishes for the peace and prosperity of Brazil and for my personal happiness.