Mr. Bowen to Mr. Hay.

No. 105.]

Sir: * * * I inclose a translation of the decree published yesterday declaring the “mouths” of the Orinoco and the port of Velade Coro blockaded.

* * * * * * *

I am, etc.,

Herbert W. Bowen.

The constitutional President of the United States of Venezuela decrees:

  • Article 1. In consequence of the occupation of Ciudad Bolivar by insurrectionary forces, navigation in the waters of the Orinoco is prohibited, the extent of the coast line which embraces its mouths is blockaded, and the ports of Guiria and Caño Colorado are closed to trade and navigation.
  • Art. 2. The port of La Vela de Coro is likewise declared to be blockaded.
  • Art. 3. The necessary naval forces shall be appointed to enforce the said blockade in a real and efficacious manner.
  • Art. 4. The commanders of the ships appointed to carry out the blockade of the above-mentioned ports shall duly observe the ordinances relating to corsairs, dated the 30th of March, 1882, now in force, and the following provisions:
    Ships which have been dispatched for the blockaded ports shall have the following terms, after the present decree has been communicated to their respective Governments, allowed them to enter: Steamships proceeding from Europe, one month; sailing vessels, two months; steamships proceeding from the United States, fifteen days; sailing vessels, one month; ships proceeding from the West Indies and Demarara, whether steamers or sailing vessels, shall have a term of ten days, with the exception of those proceeding from Trinidad and Grenada, which shall have but two days.
    Merchandise which is destined for any port within the line of blockade may, at the discretion of the owner, be disembarked at any other established customs port on payment of the respective customs duties.
    On any vessel, proceeding from any of the places above mentioned, reaching the line of blockade the commander of the nearest man-of-war shall communicate to him the order against crossing it, and in case he persist he shall be considered to wish to violate the blockade.
  • Art. 5. The ministers of the interior, foreign affairs, finance, and war and marine are charged to see to the execution of this decree and to communicate it to all whom it may concern.

Given, signed, sealed with the seal of the national executive and countersigned by the ministers of the interior, foreign affairs, finance, and war and marine at the federal palace at Caracas this 28th day of June, 1902, year 91 of the independence and 44 of the federation.

Cipriano Castro.