Mr. Woodford to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, December 27,
No. 101.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of Department’s dispatch No. 82, dated the 2d of December
instant, relating to the pardon of the crew of the bark Competitor.
[Page 1024]
I have addressed a further note to the Spanish minister of foreign
affairs, under date of December 24 instant, conveying to his excellency
the gratification felt by the Government at Washington in learning of
the clemency of Her Majesty the Queen Regent and its deep appreciation
of the generous and humane motives which prompted this act of grace.
I inclose copy of such note to the Spanish minister, and have the honor
to be,
Very respectfully, yours,
Mr. Woodford to
Señor Gullon.
Legation of the United States of America,
Madrid, December 24, 1897.
Excellency: Referring to my note of
November 17 ultimo, in which I expressed my deep appreciation of the
grateful and generous courtesy of your excellency’s note of November
15, informing me of the action of His Majesty’s Government in regard
to the crew of the bark Competitor and
American citizens under arrest in Cuba, and in which I added that I
had taken great pleasure in communicating this action to my
Government, I now have the honor to convey to your excellency, by
direction of the President, the gratification felt by the Government
at Washington in learning of the clemency of Her Majesty the Queen
Regent and its deep appreciation of the generous and humane motives
which prompted this act of grace.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your excellency the
assurance of my highest consideration.
His Excellency the Minister of