Mr. Woodford to Mr. Sherman.
Madrid, February 25, 1898.
Sir: Last evening, in obedience to diplomatic usage, I gave a dinner to Señor Polo de Barnabé, the newly appointed minister from Spain to the United States. He expects to leave Madrid to-morrow, February 26, instant, for Washington. He should arrive not later than March 10.
I have carefully refrained from newspaper interviews since my appointment to this post and have avoided all occasions for public speech. But, at the close of last night’s dinner and in the presence of the representatives of the great powers and of members of the Spanish cabinet and of guests from the Spanish court, I gave the health of the Queen and of the new Spanish minister in these words:
My friends, I ask you to join me in drinking the health of Her Majesty, the Queen Regent of Spain. My Government is especially gratified that Her Majesty has named as her representative to the United States our friend and guest at this table, Señor Polo de Barnabé. He will be thrice welcome at Washington. His father, Admiral Polo, and his wife’s father were long the honored representatives from Spain to the United States. In the new minister my people will recognize a worthy representative of the historic nation of Spain.
In the name of my President and people I wish him safe voyage and assure him of most cordial welcome by the Government at Washington.
I drink to peace. May peace always be and abide between the land of Columbus and that new land beyond the sea, which Columbus gave to civilization and to the future.
Señor Polo de Barnabé replied in like cordial terms.
I have, etc.,