Mr. Woodford to Mr. Sherman.
Madrid, February 19, 1898.
Sir: In further acknowledgment of dispatch from the Department received this morning, and the receipt and translation of which I have this day acknowledged in my dispatch No. 150, I have now the honor to report that I have to-day written the Spanish minister for foreign affairs and acknowledged the receipt on February 17 instant of his note of that date informing me of the appointment of Don Luis Polo de Barnabé as minister from Spain to the United States. I have stated to him that I communicated the information at once to my Government by telegraph and that I am to-day in receipt of instructions directing me to inform his excellency that the antecedents of the new minister and the recollection of his previous services as secretary of legation at Washington will insure him a most cordial personal welcome.
I append copy of my note to the Spanish minister of foreign affairs, and am, etc.,