Mr. Woodford to Mr. Sherman.

No. 145.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that the Gaceta de Madrid of this date publishes officially the decree of the Queen Regent accepting the resignation of Señor Dupuy de Lome as Spanish minister at Washington. It is dated February 10 instant, and contains no expression of commendation of his official service.

I inclose two copies of same for files of Department.

Yesterday afternoon, February 16, Señor Aguera, the subsecretary of the ministry of state, and Senor Polo de Barnabé, chief of the commercial bureau of same ministry, called on me in behalf of the minister of foreign affairs and notified me informally that Señor Polo de Barnabé had been appointed as minister from Spain to the United States at Washington in place of Senor Dupuy de Lôme resigned, and that such new appointment would be officially announced yery soon.

I telegraphed you to-day in regard to such appointment as follows:

Legation of the United States,
Madrid, February 17, 1898.

Polo de Barnabé will be appointed minister to Washington. He is the son of Admiral Polo, formerly minister. Is now chief of commercial bureau in Spanish state department. Speaks English and is familiar with commercial affairs. Was secretary of legation at Washington when his father was minister.


I have, etc.,

Stewart L. Woodford.