Mr. Moore to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

No. 1101.]

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 21st instant, saying that you are in receipt of a telegram from Her Majesty’s acting consul-general at Habana stating that many American citizens who are in danger of starvation have applied to the British consulate there for relief and asking what steps should be taken toward relieving those persons.

Upon the receipt of your note the Department requested you by telegraph to cable Her Majesty’s acting consul-general at Habana to draw on this Government from time to time up to $2,000 to relieve immediate needs of United States citizens in Habana, and to report as to the extent to which relief may be required in future.

A copy of the Department’s telegram is appended on the overleaf.

I have, etc.,

J. B. Moore,
Acting Secretary.