Mr. Hay to Mr. Day.

No. 491.]

Sir: With reference to my despatch No. 466 of 22d ultimo, and to previous correspondence relative to a Spanish privateer alleged to be in Canadian waters near Queen Charlotte Sound, I have the honor to inclose herewith the copy of a note which I have received from the foreign office stating that H. M. S. Icarus has made a thorough search of those waters, but has seen and heard nothing of the vessel in question.

I have, etc.,

John Hay.

My Dear Ambassador: With reference to your letter to Mr. Villiers of July 9, respecting the reported presence of a Spanish privateer near Queen Charlotte Sound, Lord Salisbury desires me to say that a telegram has been received from Lord Aberdeen reporting that [Page 987] H. M. S. Icarus has made a thorough search of the territorial waters of Canada on that coast but has seen and heard nothing of the vessel in question.

Believe me, yours, very sincerely,

T. H. Sanderson.