Mr. Moore to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

No. 996.]

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 26th instant, relative to the desire of Her Majesty’s Government to send a British vessel of war to visit Habana and a British gunboat to visit Santiago de Cuba during the existing state of war between the United States and Spain, the proposed visit to be made solely for the purpose of giving any necessary advice or assistance to the British consular officers and not to be prolonged beyond the time required to effect that object.

In reply I beg to inform you that the Secretary of the Navy, on the 27th instant, telegraphed the commander in chief of the United States naval forces on the Atlantic station to afford facilities, as far as possible, to the man-of-war that is to visit Habana and to the gunboat that is to visit Santiago de Cuba.

I have, etc.,

John B. Moore,
Acting Secretary.