Mr. Hay to Mr. Sherman.
London, April 6, 1898.
Sir: I received late last night your telegram, dated yesterday, of which I inclose a copy, as well as a copy of my reply to it, dated to-day.
I called upon Mr. Balfour by appointment to-day at half past 12. I conveyed to him verbally your thanks for the courtesy shown in the offer of the British ambassador at Madrid to take charge, in case of [Page 968] necessity, of our legation in that city, and told him I would send him a note to the same effect later in the day. I then asked him, in accordance with your instruction, if the British Government would authorize their consuls in Spanish territory to take charge of American consular archives if the occasion should arise. He thought there would be no objection to this course, but said he would let me know during the day.
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I am, etc.,