Mr. Day to Mr. Hay.
Spanish Commissioners yesterday presented counter propositions consisting of seven articles and covering four long typewritten pages as to Cuba and Puerto Rico. They propose to transfer sovereignty over Cuba to the United States, which is to accept it in order at proper time to turn it over to Cuban people on conditions established in the treaty. It is proposed to include in the transfer thus made charges and obligations of every kind which Spain and her authorities in Cuba may have lawfully contracted for the service of the island or which may be chargeable to the insular treasury, including all debts, salaries, civil and ecclesiastical, and pensions, civil and military, up to the ratification of treaty. The cession of Puerto Rico is to be final, but subject to like conditions. The articles also contain stipulations as to property, archives, and other subjects.
We took adjournment till Tuesday in order to examine Spanish proposals as well as to hear Foreman, who has come at our request incognito from London, 20th. We intend at next conference to ask Spanish Commissioners to explain their counter propositions orally, but unless otherwise instructed we expect to take position at once that the Spanish proposals as to so-called Cuban charges and obligations as above described are excluded from discussion by the unconditional relinquishment of sovereignty and title pledged in the protocol of the 12th August. We also expect to stand upon language of protocol as to such relinquishment.