Mr. Pratt to Mr. Day.

No. 210.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm my telegram of this date, reading as follows:

Secretary of State, Washington:

Neutrality proclaimed to-day.

And to submit the inclosed Government gazette extraordinary in reference.

I have, etc.,

E. Spencer Pratt,
United States Consul-General.

Quotes the rules governing ships of belligerents, and the terms of the foreign enlistment act, as given in the proclamation of Great Britain [printed on page 865], and adds:

In order that the above rules may be duly carried out and respected, it is hereby notified that no ship of war of either of the belligerent parties above mentioned will be permitted to receive from any person or body corporate any commodity, including also stores, necessaries, and coal, without permission first obtained in writing from the master attendant or harbor master of the port.