Mr. Newel to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
The Hague, June 6,
No. 118.]
Sir: I have the honor to advise you that by
royal order appearing in the Official Gazette of the 5th instant the
exportation and transit of ammunition and gunpowder are prohibited from
the 7th of June, 1898.
Herewith I inclose a duplicate copy of the order, together with a
translation of the same, from which it will be observed that this
prohibition is regarded as of a temporary nature; that it does not apply
to the ordinary supply carried by trading vessels, and that exceptions
thereto may be granted to sendings destined to any country but those at
I have, etc.,
[Page 890]
(Usual preamble.)
Article 1. The exportation and transit of
ammunition and gunpowder is forbidden.
This prohibition does not apply to the ammunition and gunpowder
exported in the service of the State, nor to that which in a ship’s
service is found on board any Netherlands or foreign trading vessel,
provided the supply on board does not exceed that usually carried by
the sort of vessel in ordinary equipment.
Art. 2. Exception may be granted to this
prohibition by the director of direct taxes, customs, and excise in
whose district the place is situated whence the goods leave the
Kingdom, to the sendings to the possessions of the Kingdom in other
parts of the world, or to States which are not at war, provided the
destination is satisfactorily shown him.
Art. 3. This order shall go into force on
the second day after the date of the Official Gazette and of the
Official Journal in which it is inserted.