Mr. Rockhill to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Belgrade, May 5,
No. 56, Greek series.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a
note from the minister of foreign affairs of Greece, dated the 28th of
April, informing me that the strictest neutrality will be observed by
Greece during the war between the United States and Spain.
Very respectfully, etc.,
Athens, April 16–28,
Mr. Minister: I had the honor to receive
the telegram which you were pleased to send me from Constantinople
the 14th-26th instant to inform me that the Congress of the United
States of America, by an act approved the 13th-25th of April, had
declared that a state of war exists with Spain since the 9th-21st of
April, inclusively.
In the name of the Royal Government, I take note of this declaration,
and I have the honor to inform you that the strictest neutrality
will be observed by Greece during the war which has broken out
between the United States of America and Spain.
Please accept, etc.,