Mr. Moore to Mr. Cambon.

Excellency: With reference to previous correspondence in relation to the removal from the United States of the crews of the Spanish prize vessels at Key West, I have the honor to say that I am just advised by the Attorney-General that the vessels Catalina and Miguel Jover are to remain in the custody of the United States marshal pending an appeal which has been taken to the Supreme Court of the United States, and that it will consequently be necessary to provide for the transportation of the Spanish subjects in question by some other means.

The Attorney-General is advised by the United States marshal at Key West that 284 of the men desire to be sent to Spain, 22 to the Canary Islands, 52 either to Cuba or to Mexico, and 21 to England. There are 11 as to whose wishes no information has been obtained.

The Attorney-General desires to be advised as to whether the information which he has now been able to furnish will be sufficient for the purpose of making arrangements for the transportation of the men in question.

Accept, etc.,

J. B. Moore,
Acting Secretary.