Mr. Day to Mr. Cambon.

No. 37.]

Excellency: With reference to my note of the 20th instant, in relation to the disposition of certain Spanish subjects taken on vessels captured as prizes, I have the honor to inform you that the Department has just received from the Attorney-General a further communication on the subject.

By this communication it appears that it is the intention of the United States authorities at Key West to send the prisoners in question on the steamers Catalina and Jover to Spain, if those steamers shall return to that country; but that, if appeal bonds should not be given, the steamers would then be sent to New York, and carry the prisoners to that port. It is stated that at least one hundred of them have families in Cuba and do not wish to go to Spain, and that something must be done to provide for them if they are detained beyond the sailing of the vessels on the 27th of the present month.

In view of these circumstances it seems desirable that some definite arrangement should immediately be made for the transportation of the prisoners in question from the United States.

With reference to the question raised as to the safety of the prisoners on their way to any place of embarkation, the Attorney-General states that he will give suitable instructions for their subsistence and protection on their way to or in charge of any consular officer to a place of departure.

Accept, etc.,

William R. Day.