Señor Polo de Bernabé to Mr. Day.

Dear Mr. Day: I inclose herewith the official announcement of General Blanco’s proclamation that I have received this morning and an English translation of said proclamation.

Believe me, etc.,

Polo de Bernabé.

Translation of General Blanco’s proclamation.

suspension of hostilities.

Her Majesty’s Government, yielding to the reiterated wish expressed by His Holiness the Pope, has resolved, with the end to prepare and facilitate peace on this island, to decree a suspension of hostilities, and orders me to publish it for said purposes.

In virtue thereof I have thought it expedient to order:

  • Article first. From the day following the receipt of this proclamation in each locality hostilities are declared to be suspended in the territory of the island of Cuba.
  • Article second. The details for the execution of the above article shall be the subject of special instructions that will be communicated to the different commanders in chief of the army corps for the most prompt and easy execution, according to the situation and circumstances of each.

Ramon Blanco.