Mr. Woodford to Mr. Day.

No. 198.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that I have this day telegraphed you in cipher as follows:

Madrid, April 1, 1898.

Assistant Secretary Day, Washington:

For the information of the Department of State I give exact language of my statement read to the president of the council and his colleagues at conference Tuesday, March 29. Statement begins here.

[Page 730]

The President instructs me to have direct and frank conversation with you about present condition of affairs in Cuba and present relations between Spain and the United States. The President thinks that it is better not to discuss the respective views held by each nation. This might only provoke or incite argument and might delay and possibly prevent immediate decision. The President instructs me to say that we do not want Cuba. He also instructs me to say with equal clearness that we do wish immediate peace in Cuba. He suggests an immediate armistice lasting until October 1, negotiations in the meantime being had looking to peace between Spain and the insurgents through the friendly offices of the President of the United States. He wishes the immediate revocation of the reconcentration order so as to permit the people to return to their farms and the needy to be relieved with provisions and supplies from the United States. The United States cooperating with the Spanish authorities so as to afford full relief.

Statement ends here.

I telegraphed last night full text of Spanish memorandum handed me yesterday in reply to my statement of Tuesday.

Friday afternoon, 1.30.


I am, etc.,

Stewart L. Woodford.