Señor Polo de Bernabé to Mr. Day
Washington, March 28, 1898.
Dear Mr. Day: In the conferences I have had the honor and the pleasure to have with you on the 24th, 27th instant, and to-day, you expressed me the desire of the President to send to Cuba supplies for the reconcentrados (the amount of the same to be appropriated by Congress), with the understanding that the conveyance and distribution of the same shall be made exactly under the same conditions than those strictly private contributions which have been sent until this date.
I declared you to-day in the name of His Majesty’s Government that Spain would not object to this Humanitarian undertaking, provided that there would not be any change whatever in the existing arrangements respecting these matters.
In order to prevent any future misunderstanding, I would be greatly obliged to you if you should reply me with a few lines, and I remain, dear Mr. Day,
Very truly and faithfully, yours,