Mr. Day to Mr. Woodford.


Believed the Maine report will be held in Congress for a short time without action. A feeling of deliberation prevails in both houses of Congress. See if the following can be done:

  • First. Armistice until October 1. Negotiations meantime looking [Page 712] for peace between Spain and insurgents through friendly offices of President United States.
  • Second. Immediate revocation of reconcentrado order so as to permit people to return to their farms, and the needy to be relieved with provisions and supplies from United States cooperating with authorities so as to afford full relief.
  • Add, if possible:
  • Third. If terms of peace not satisfactorily settled by October 1, President of the United States to be final arbiter between Spain and insurgents.

If Spain agrees, President will use friendly offices to get insurgents to accept plan. Prompt action desirable.
