Mr. Woodford to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, March 26,
No. 192.]
Sir: In continuation of my dispatch No. 189,
dated yesterday, March 25, I have the honor to report that last evening
at about 9 o’clock I received a memorandum from the Spanish minister for
foreign affairs, with English translation of same, which translation the
Spanish minister wished me to telegraph to the President. Accordingly I
have telegraphed such translation to the President in cipher. I inclose
herewith copy of the Spanish text of such memorandum and of translation
of same.
This morning, March 26, I received from the Spanish minister for foreign
affairs an enlarged memorandum or statement, being the same memorandum
received last night with paragraphs prefixed thereto and relating to the
question of the U. S. S. Maine. I inclose copy of
such Spanish memorandum with English translation of same.
I will keep the Department promptly advised of any reply I may make to
this Spanish memorandum, which is dated March 25, instant.
Very respectfully, yours,
[Page 702]
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Ministry of State: As to the last part of
the document handed to the minister of state by his excellency the
United States minister—that is to say, as to a suggestion or
proposal which might be made by Spain in order to secure an
immediate and honorable peace—Her Majesty’s Government are at
present more than ever of opinion that the suggestions and means
repeatedly mentioned to the-United States would in a very short time
bring about that peace so largely desired by all. If, however, the
United States Government in making known in different terms and
under a fresh aspect this requirement of an honorable and immediate
peace has in mind conditions for the making or consolidation of
peace which are or may be directly or indirectly connected with the
political system already established in Cuba, Her Majesty’s
ministers consider it their duty to remind in all sincerity the said
Government that nothing can be done in this direction without the
natural participation of the insular parliament which is to meet on
the already near date of May 4 proximo, and will give its special
attention, either spontaneously or on the motion of the
representative of the central government, to the measures most
appropriate for rapidly bringing about a lasting peace in the
[Inclosure 4 in No.
Ministry of State, March 25, 1898.
At the time the cabinet was informed of the conference which had
taken place in the afternoon of Wednesday, March 23, at the
residence of the minister of state, between the latter, the minister
for the colonies, and the United States minister, it was in
possession of news somewhat altering the bearings of the questions
briefly treated in the course of that interview.
It now appears that the captain of the U. S. S. cruiser Maine has asked leave to destroy with
dynamite the wreck of his ship, thus annihilating the only proofs
which, in case of doubt or disagreement, could be again examined in
order to determine, if necessary, the cause and nature of a
catastrophe, in the midst of which Spanish sailors and officials
displayed the greatest abnegation and oblivion of all personal risk
and a generous wish to circumscribe or diminish the dreadful
calamity which befell the crew of the American vessel.
Even without seeing in the request of the captain of the Maine any other meaning than that personally
expressed in the petition signed by him, the Spanish Government
considers as utterly unjustifiable and inadmissible the resolution
which submits to a political assembly the report drawn up by the
official American board of inquiry on the causes and circumstances
of the blowing up or explosion of the Maine.
As yet nothing is known of the report of the Spanish commission.
After having invited in vain the United States naval officers to
take part in its labors and go through the necessary investigations
conjointly with its members, it has finished and drawn up its
conclusions with a complete knowledge of the scene of a disaster so
deplorable and painful for all Spaniards.
One of the principal, if not the principal, basis of judgment is,
therefore, wanting for every individual or body of men who may wish
to weigh the facts with perfect impartiality. Under these
circumstances to place before a popular deliberating assembly
without correction, explanation, or counterproof of any kind, a
report which, issued by the fellow citizens of the members of that
body, must necessarily meet with approval inspired rather by
sentiment than by reason, is not only to resolve beforehand a
possible future discussion, but apparently reveals an intention of
allowing national enthusiasm, commiseration, or other like natural
and comprehensible feelings, so frequently found in all numerous and
patriotic assemblies, to form an a priori judgment not founded on
proof and to reject, before even knowing its terms, any affirmation
which may give rise to doubt or seem distasteful. The most
elementary sense of justice makes it in these cases a duty to
previously examine and discuss in an atmosphere of absolute calmness
two different inquiries tending to one common end. Only in the
supposition of an irreconcilable discrepancy or complete opposition
between one and the other would it be proper to submit them, as
equity demands, to evidence less prone to prejudice and, if
necessary, to fresh investigations and different judges.
As to the last part of the document handed to the minister of state
by his excellency the United States minister—that is to say, as to
suggestion or proposal which might be made by Spain in order to
secure an immediate and honorable peace—Her Majesty’s Government are
at present more than ever of opinion that the suggestions
[Page 703]
and means repeatedly
mentioned to the United States would in a very short time bring
about that peace so eagerly desired by all. If, however, the United
States Government in making known in different terms and under a
fresh aspect this requirement of an honorable and immediate peace
has in mind conditions for the making or consolidation of peace,
which are or may be directly or indirectly connected with the
political system already established in Cuba, Her Majesty’s
ministers consider it their duty to remind the said Government in
all sincerity that nothing can be done in this direction without the
natural participation of the insular parliament, which is to meet on
the already near date of May 4 proximo, and will turn its special
attention either spontaneously or on the motion of the
representative of the Central Government to the measures most
appropriate for rapidly bringing about a lasting peace in the