Mr. Woodford to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, December 4,
No. 88.]
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 82, of
November 29, 1897, and my cable of November 28, 1897, I have the honor
to inform you that, confirming the information therein conveyed, I
received yesterday a formal and courteous note from the Spanish minister
of state, stating that the American citizen Luis Someillan had been
released from prison, and that no citizen of the United States now
remained imprisoned in the island of Cuba. I have acknowledged the
receipt of the note. I inclose herein a copy of the note, with
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure No.
Ministry of
Palace, December 2,
My Dear Sir: In further proof of the
friendly sentiments of the Government of His Majesty toward that
which your excellency so worthily represents at this court, it is
very gratifying to me to inform you that, in compliance with the
[Page 645]
decree of the 11th
of November ultimo, the total pardon of the penalty imposed upon the
North American citizen Luis Someillan has been granted.
At the same time I have the greatest pleasure in informing your
Excellency that, as the governor-general of Cuba informs me by
cable, no citizen of the United States remains in prison in said
I avail myself, etc.,
To the Minister Plenipotentiary of the
United States.