Mr. Woodford to Mr. Sherman.

No. 66.]

Sir: Yesterday, November 14, the Spanish minister of the colonies sent me copy of telegram received by him yesterday morning from Marshal Blanco, notifying the Spanish Government that he had signed a bando reestablishing the normal life of the country people, and had organized protective committees for the “reconcentrados” who could not at once obtain the general benefits secured to the country population.

I telegraphed you immediately in cipher as follows:

November 14, 1897.

Secretary Sherman, Washington:

Spanish Government has just notified me that bando has been signed by General Blanco reestablishing normal life of country people, with necessary precautions and organizing protective committees for reconcentrados who can not at once obtain general benefits secured to country population. Daily food and medical assistance are also regulated at the charge of the State.


I called promptly at the office of the Spanish minister to express the gratification of yourself and the President at the prompt action of the Spanish Government.

The Spanish ministry have confirmed their purpose of publishing decrees, signed by the Queen Regent, and granting autonomy to Cuba, not later than November 25th instant.

I have, etc.,

Stewart L. Woodford.