Mr. Woodford to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, November 1,
No. 56.]
Sir: On October 30 ultimo I sent you copy of my
translation into English of Spanish note of October 23 ultimo. I
promised to send duplicate translation so soon as same could be
prepared. To-day I inclose herewith such duplicate translation.
On October 30 I also sent formal acknowledgment to the Spanish minister
of foreign affairs of his note of October 23, received by me on October
25, and being his reply to my note of September 23 delivered to the Duke
de Tetuan.
Herewith I inclose copy of such acknowledgment.
To-day I send you telegram in cipher reading as follows:
Sherman, Secretary of State, Washington:
I have acknowledged Spanish note, adding request for official
copy of manifesto, last June 24, and stating that the note has
been transmitted to my Government for further instructions
before availing myself of suggestions to communicate further
views. Closed the acknowledgment with these words: “It is,
however, my immediate duty to state most distinctly to your
excellency that the Government of the
[Page 595]
United States, in the matter of the
so-called filibustering expeditions which your excellency has
referred to so frequently and at such length in your note, has
loyally fulfilled all the requirements of its own domestic laws,
all its treaty obligations to Spain, and all the duties imposed
upon it by international law.”—Woodford.
I have, etc.,
Mr. Woodford to
Señor Gullon.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, Saturday, October 30, 1897.
No. 25.]
Excellency: In acknowledging the honor
which I had in receiving on the afternoon of Monday, October 25th
instant, the courteous note which you addressed to me under date of
the 23d instant in reply to mine of September 23d ultimo to your
distinguished predecessor, the Duke of Tetuan, permit me to suggest
that the manifesto of June 24th ultimo, to which your excellency
refers in your note, appears to have important bearing upon the
subjects discussed by your excellency therein. My Government, having
no official copy of this manifesto, has instructed me to procure and
transmit one for its consideration in connection with your note. I
therefore request your excellency to do me the favor of furnishing
me with an official copy thereof at the earliest date convenient to
you. Your note of the 23d instant, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, has been transmitted to my Government, and I await its
further instructions before availing myself of your courteous
suggestions to communicate my further views thereon.
It is however, my immediate duty to state most distinctly to your
excellency that the Government of the United States, in the matter
of the so-called filibustering expeditions to which your excellency
has referred so frequently and at such length in your note, has
loyally fulfilled all the requirements of its own domestic laws, all
its treaty obligations to Spain, and all the duties imposed upon it
by international law.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your excellency the
assurances of my most distinguished consideration.