Mr. Pierce to Mr. Hay.

No. 252.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm my cipher telegram of this day.

In the course of a conversation with Count Mouravieff yesterday he brought up the matter of the conference on the subject of reduction [Page 556] of armaments and informed me that the Russian Government is awaiting a response from our Government to the notes dated December 30, 1898 (January 11, 1899), copies of which were forwarded to you in the embassy’s Nos. 230 of January 14 and 247 of February 10, respectively.

Referring to that dated December 30, 1898, (January 11, 1899), which I have designated for brevity as the second note in my telegram, he stated that the topics for discussion suggested in that note were submitted tentatively, and were subject to debate as to whether or not they should be taken up in the conference; that the Russian Government merely suggested them as timely, but had no intention of insisting upon their consideration by the conference, but that international conditions having changed since the promulgation of the original circular note proposing the conference, it now became necessary to obtain an expression of opinion from the powers on the general subject, with a view to ascertaining whether they still regard the time appropriate for holding such a conference. An expression is also desired as to the place of meeting proposed, namely, The Hague.

I asked his excellency whether a date had yet been fixed upon, to which he replied that it had not, and that the determination of the date would be left to the Government of Holland.

Regarding the character of representation, his excellency said that he supposed each of the powers would send a delegate having a seat in the conference accompanied by one or more advisers, forming a commission.

I have, etc.,

Herbert H. D. Pierce,
Chargé d’affaires ad interim.