Mr. Day to Mr. Hitchcock.

No. 139.

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 131, of the 25th ultimo, inclosing a copy and translation of the circular note of the Russian foreign office, embodying the Emperor’s proposition to hold a conference for the purpose of considering the possibility of reducing armaments and establishing a lasting peace.

As you were advised by this Department’s telegram of the 6th instant, the President is of opinion that the existing state of war with Spain renders it impracticable at the present moment to further reduce our armaments, which even on the present war footing are doubtless far below the measure which the principal European powers would be willing to adopt in time of peace.

The President, however, cordially concurs in the spirit of His Imperial Majesty’s proposal, and this Government will therefore send a representative to the international congress, as to the date and place of which the Department awaits further particulars.

Respectfully, yours,

William R. Day.