Mr. Hitchcock to Mr. Day.


Count Mouravieff to-day gave me his conference programme as follows: First, no political nor diplomatic question—past, present, or [Page 543] future—will be discussed; second no secret suggestions or arrangements will be permitted, and sessions of conference to be open and public; third, present armaments not to be considered or disturbed, but if possible find way to avoid further increase; fourth, sole object exchange of ideas in furtherance of national economy and international peace in the interest of humanity as the supreme duty of governments; fifth, nothing binding on any power, but has great hopes discussions will, warrant and secure appointment by conference of expert commission to further consider and formulate methods for accomplishing desired results; sixth, time and place of conference to be determined by powers accepting invitation; seventh, he understands and appreciates position of our Government, but desires its counsel, advice, and sympathy; eighth, His Imperial Majesty and his excellency are alone responsible for the invitation, which was unknown to any other government or individual previous to its issue; ninth, English, German, French, Austrian, and Italian ambassadors have personally and officially expressed the sympathy of their respective governments, whose official reply to invitation will follow.
