Mr. Hengelmüller to Mr. Sherman.
Washington, November 11, 1897.
Your Excellency: By your note of the 12th ultimo, No. 196, you had the kindness, Mr. Secretary of State, to inform me, in reply to my note of September 28, No. 2391, that the governor of the State of Pennsylvania had been requested to investigate the occurrences which took place September 10 at Lattimer, near Hazleton, in which 21 Austrian and Hungarian subjects were either killed or wounded. That note also contained the assurance that the result of the investigation would be communicated to the imperial and royal legation without delay.
As a month has elapsed since then, I have the honor, Mr. Secretary of State, to remind you of this case, the importance of which was also recognized in the note of the Department of State of October 9, 1897, No. 195, and to request that you will do all in your power to expedite the proceedings in the investigation which has been initiated.
Accept, etc.