Señor Covarrubias to Mr. Olney.
Washington, July 2, 1896.
Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to inform you that the consul of Mexico at San Antonio, Tex., notifies me, by a telegram which I have just received, of the arrest in that city of Inez Ruiz, another of the persons whose extradition, like that of Juan Duque, which is now awaiting the decision of your Department, could not take place after [Page 498] it had been granted by Commissioner Price, of the circuit court for the western district of Texas, for the reason that writs of habeas corpus had been granted to the accused parties by a decision of Judge Maxey, which decision was reversed by the Supreme Court of the United States on the 16th of March last. In order that the extradition of these persons may now take place, a new warrant of extradition is consequently required, which I beg you to be pleased to send me, if there are no objections.
Accept, etc.,