Mr. Allen to Mr. Day.
Seoul, Korea, June 3, 1898.
Sir: Referring to my No. 8, October 1, and my No. 16, October 8, in regard to the matter of the proposed Russian coaling station on Deer Island in the harbor of Fusan, Korea, I now have the honor to inform you that this question has been settled by the allotment of 900,000 square meters of land on this island, including the proposed site of the Russian coaling station, for a general foreign settlement.
This action was the result of a conference held by all the representatives except the former Russian chargé d’affaires, Mr. de Speyer, who, though he did not attend the meeting, ratified, or sanctioned, the proposals there made, to ask for the whole low-lying end of this island for the settlement allowed by treaty.
This arrangement seems to be a satisfactory one, as it finally defines the settlement area at Fusan, and the limits are ample to allow of the coaling station, and yet furnish ample room for all probable comers.
The proposition to take this whole end of the island for settlement purposes was my own, and I secured the approval of the Russian representative, Mr. de Speyer, to the proposition. As all ground within these limits will be subject to municipal regulations, it seemed to offer the best solution of a vexed question.
I have, etc.,