Mr. Allen to Mr. Day.

No. 109. Diplomatic]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith an extract from the Seoul Independent of yesterday’s date, giving a translation of the new convention concluded between Japan and Russia on April 25, 1898.

I have, etc.,

Horace N. Allen.
[Inclosure 1 with Mr. Allen’s No. 109.]

[The Independent, Tuesday, May 24, 1898.]

the new russo-japanese convention.

Published in the Official Gazette of the 10th of May, as follows:


In accordance with Article IV, of the convention signed at Moscow on June 9, 1895, Baron Nishi, minister of state for foreign affairs of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, and Baron Rosen, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of Russia, have each been empowered and enter into the following agreement:

The Governments of Japan and Russia both recognize the national rights and complete independence of Korea, and agree to make no direct interference in the internal affairs of that country by either of the two Governments.
In order to avoid misunderstanding in the future both Governments agree that in case Korea asks either Japan or Russia for advice and assistance, the two Governments will take no steps whatever by way of appointing military instructors or financial advisers, unless negotiations to that effect have been opened and settled beforehand.
The Russian Government recognizes that undertakings pertaining to the commerce and industry of Japan are greatly developed in Korea, and that there are a large number of Japanese residents in that country, and therefore it will in no way obstruct the commercial and industrial interests existing between Japan and Korea.

Two copies of the above done at Tokyo on 25th of April, 1898.

