Mr. Buck to Mr. Sherman.
Tokyo, Japan, May 21, 1898.
Sir: Referring to your instructions Nos. 68 and 102, (the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged) of dates January 3 and March 30, respectively, and to my dispatches Nos. 95 and 97, of dates the 14th and 18th of February last, in regard to the refusal of the Japanese authorities to grant to two Japanese graduates of the Laura Memorial Medical College the privilege of practicing in this, country without further examination, I have the honor to state that I am in receipt of information to the effect that the Japanese authorities have withdrawn their objections and granted to the two graduates of that institution permits to practice without further examination, having decided, it seems, in view of the evidence which has been furnished of the standing, etc., of the Laura Memorial Medical College, to consider its diploma sufficient proof of fitness.
I have, etc.,