The minister of foreign affairs to the ambassador of the United States of America in Rome.
Mr. Ambassador:
Between the Kingdom of Italy and the Republic of Columbia, by a protocol signed at Castellamare the 18th of August, 1894, it has been agreed to decide by arbitration the controversy existing for many years between the Italian citizen Mr. Cerruti and the Colombian Government, and to entrust the high office of arbitrator to His Excellency the President of the United States of America.
That international agreement has been regularly approved and accepted by the contracting Governments, and the time has now come to carry it out. Together therefore with the Hon. Marcellino Hurtado, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Colombia, for this purpose duly authorized by his Government, I have the honor of asking your excellency to be pleased to send to His Excellency the President of the Confederation the official request, which I formulate in the name of the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, to accept the position of arbitrator which has been conferred on his excellency by the two high contracting parties.
[Page 405]Herewith enclosed I send your excellency an authentic copy of the text of the said protocol and its translation into English, begging you to send them to his excellency the arbitrator selected, together with three copies of the Italian text, which I enclose in case they should be needed.
In expressing the hope that His Excellency Mr. Cleveland will receive our request as a new proof of the sentiments of friendship and of high esteem of the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, I beg your excellency to make known to me, at your convenience, the answer of His Excellency the President of the United States, while thanking your excellency in advance for your kind intervention, I take the occasion, etc.