Mr. Adee to Mr. M. Garcia Mérou.

No. 29.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 25th instant, in which you are pleased to inform me that you have received a telegram from your Government stating that the boundary question pending between the Argentine Republic and Chile is, by mutual accord of both Governments, about to be submitted to the arbitration of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, in conformity with the stipulations of existing treaties, and in particular of the agreement of 1896, according to which compacts the lines submitted to arbitration run from the twenty sixth to the fifty-second parallels of south latitude, leaving for future settlement by means of direct negotiations, which are forthwith to be undertaken without interruption, the definitive location of the frontier in the regions known as “Puna de Atacama.”

The gratifying information which you thus convey has been confirmed by telegrams which I received from the United States minister at Buenos Ayres, who has been careful to keep the Department advised of the progress of the negotiations in conformity with the instructions which have been sent to him from time to time expressing the great interest felt by this Government in a just and peaceful solution of the pending controversies.

Accept, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.