Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Sherman.


Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 915, of the 16th instant, informing me of the grounds upon which it is desired by the United States War Department that the relief expedition which it is proposed to send to Circle City, Alaska, should be accompanied on the passage through Canadian territory by an armed United States force.

I am authorized by the Marquis of Salisbury to state to you that the Dominion government are quite willing that United States troops which are destined for places in Alaska beyond the one hundred and forty-first meridian, and are considered necessary for the protection of the relief expedition while in United States territory, should pass through Canadian territory under the same regulations which govern the passage of Canadian mounted police through United States territory, [Page 362] namely, that the men shall not be under arms, and that arms and munitions of war shall go through Canadian territory as baggage.

The Dominion government at the same time desire to make it clear that they fully appreciate the wish of the United States Government to afford relief, and have forwarded instructions to the local officials to facilitate the expedition in every possible way. An escort of Dominion police will be furnished for the expedition during its passage through Canadian territory.

I shall be glad to learn as soon as possible whether the above arrangement is satisfactory to your Government, in which case I will so advise the Marquis of Salisbury and the Governor-General of Canada.

I have the honor, etc.,

Julian Pauncefote.