Mr. White to Mr. Sherman.

No. 327.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 313 of the 26th ultimo, I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of a note addressed by me to Minister Von Bülow yesterday, in regard to the customs treatment of American fruit waste imported into Germany, and to be, sir, etc.,

And. D. White.
[Inclosure in No. 327.]

Mr. White to Baron Von Bülow.

No. 195.]

Referring to his note of the 26th ultimo—F. O. No. 187—the undersigned, ambassador of the United States of America, has the honor to [Page 326] inform his excellency Minister Von Bülow, Imperial secretary of state for foreign affairs, that he has jus received a telegram from the American consul at Dusseldorf to the effect that a large consignment of fruit waste from a Dusseldorf importer has been taken from the cars at Harzogenrath and stored in a warehouse by the customs officials; that such goods were classified as evaporated fruit and duty paid accordingly; that their release until after examination as fresh fruit has been refused; and that such goods are now admitted without examination at Emmarich.

While again requesting that his excellency kindly give immediate attention to the matter of the treatment to be accorded to American fruit waste imported into Germany, the undersigned avails himself of the occasion to renew the assurance of his most distinguished consideration.

Andrew D. White.