Mr. White to Mr. Sherman.

No. 312.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 300, of the 19th instant, I have the honor to inform you that I learn from our consul at Hamburg that since the 17th instant above 500 packages of apples have arrived at that port by lighter from Bremen, among which there was only one small lot of California apples, packed in boxes (Newtown pippins), which were found infected, and consequently refused admission. All the other apples came from the Eastern States and have been admitted freely.

It is generally assumed that the cost of the examination of American fruit, under the decree of the Bundesrath of the 5th, is to be borne by the German authorities, and the importers do not anticipate that bills for such examination will be sent. At Hamburg the expenses of cartage of the cases and barrels to the Botanical Museum are charged to and paid by the “declarations bureau,” and the only loss incurred by the importers consists in the value of the apples examined and in the slight delay caused by the examination.

From Dusseldorf no further complaint has been received, and it is to be presumed that no fresh fruit has arrived at the custom-houses in that district.

I am, etc.,

And. D. White.