Count Welsersheimb to Mr. Tower.

[Inclosure 11 in No. 69.]

Sir: The Imperial and Royal ministry of foreign affairs has not omitted to communicate to the Imperial and Royal ministry of public defense the contents of the esteemed note dated April 4, 1898, numbered 41, relating to the arrest of Anton Guerra, a naturalized American citizen, by the authorities at Hrastnig, district of Cilli, for noncompliance with military duty, in order that the necessary investigations and proper dispositions may be made in this case.

The ministry of public defense now reports that Anton Guerra, of Trifail, near Cilli, who went to the United States in the year 1889, provided with a passport but without permit on the part of the authorities to emigrate, and who subsequently acquired American citizenship, was summoned on his return to his former home, and steps taken to ascertain his liability to military duty. On the presentation of his papers, however, Anton Guerra was set at liberty and proceedings against him were discontinued.

Orders for the canceling of his name from the active army list have already been issued.

While the undersigned has the honor of bringing the foregoing to the knowledge of the honorable envoy of the United States of America, he begs to avail himself, etc.,

For the Minister.
[Inclosure 12 in No. 69.]

Mr. Tower to Mr. Guerra.

Sir: In reply to a communication which I made to the Austro-Hungarian Government on the 4th of April, 1898, setting forth the facts in your case and asking that your American passports should be respected, the minister of foreign affairs announces to me, under [Page 23] date of the 27th of May, that your American citizenship has been formally recognized and your name removed from the lists of those liable to perform military duty in Austria-Hungary.

I am, sir, etc.,

Charlemagne Tower.