Mr. Robertson to Mr. Uhl.
Hamburg, May 18, 1895.
Sir: I have the honor to hereby acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instructions, Nos. 83 and 84, dated, respectively, April 29 and May 3, 1895, the latter containing one inclosure.
Upon receipt of your No. 84 I at once addressed a communication to the chief of the Hamburg foreign office, requesting him to cause directions to be given to the proper officials of this city, to the end that I [Page 313] may be promptly advised of any instance where objection may be made to the importation of American dried apples on the ground that they are alleged to contain zinc, and that I may be put in a position to secure suitable samples of the fruit for the use of the United States authorities.
I shall not fail to promptly advise the Department of the nature of the foreign office’s reply.
I am, etc.,