Mr. Conger to the
Secretary of State.
Legation of the United States,
Peking, November 10,
No. 91.]
Sir: Confirming, on the overleaf, my telegram
of November 8 last, I have the honor to report the arrival here on 5th
instant, from the United States cruiser Boston,
Lieut. R. M. Dutton, 18 well-armed marines, and a Gatling gun.
I had previously notified the Tsung-li Yamên of their coming, and
requested train accommodations from Tientsin and a military escort from
the station to the legation, which were duly and courteously furnished,
as had been done upon the arrival of the other legation guards.
I inclose a copy of my note to the Tsung-li Yamên and a translation of
its reply.
I have, etc.,
[Page 240]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 91.]
Mr. Conger to
Prince Ching, etc.
Legation of the United States,
Peking, November 3, 1898.
No. 31.]
The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of
the United States of America, has the honor to inform your highness
and your excellencies of the Tsung-li Yamên that he is bringing to
Peking a legation escort of 20 men.
They will be ready to leave Tientsin very early Saturday morning, the
5th instant. He therefore respectfully requests that your highness
and your excellencies will kindly have arranged for them such train
accommodations and provide such military escort as has so
courteously been done for the guards which his colleagues have
already brought to their legations.
The undersigned avails himself of the occasion to assure your
highness and your excellencies of his highest consideration.
[Enclosure 2 in No. 91.]
The Tsung-li Yamên to
Mr. Conger.
Peking, November 8,
No. 24.]
Your Excellency: The Yamên has the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s communication of the 3d
instant, wherein you stated that you were bringing to Peking a
legation escort of 20 men; that they would be ready to leave
Tientsin in the morning of the 5th instant, and you therefore
requested that the Yamen have arranged for them such train
accommodation and provide such military escort as has been done for
the guards of the other legations.
Upon receipt of your excellency’s communication the Yamên
telegraphed, on the 4th instant, to the superintendent of northern
trade to instruct his subordinates to take proper care and the
governor of Peking was also instructed to have suitable train
accommodations furnished the escort.
A necessary reply to your excellency’s communication.