Mr. Hay to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, January 13,
No. 436.]
Sir: Referring to your No. 582, of November 22
last, relative to the request for the entry and clearance of the
Hawaiian schooner Americana, I inclose copy of a
letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury stating that such
vessels can not be considered vessels of the United States without
additional legislation.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 436.]
Mr. Spaulding to
Mr. Hay.
Treasury Department,
Washington, January 10,
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter dated the 7th instant, transmitting for an
expression of the views of this Department a copy of a dispatch from
our minister to the Argentine Republic, reporting the case of the
Hawaiian schooner Americana, whose master
desired the United States consul at Buenos Ayres to enter and clear
his vessel.
It appears to this Department that such vessels can not be considered
as vessels of the United States without additional legislation.
Pending such legislation, all proper action should be taken by the
minister to facilitate their entry and clearance.
Respectfully, yours,
O. L. Spaulding,
Acting Secretary.