Mr. Denby to Mr. Sherman.

No. 2888.]

Sir: In my dispatch No. 2878 of the 26th ultimo I informed you that there was danger of a riot at Chiang Pei, near Chung-king, should the American missionaries insist on going there. I also inclosed copies of the Yamen’s paper to me and of telegrams received and sent.

In my telegram of the 19th ultimo to Consul Smithers I advised missionaries to hold off until further advised in the matter.

I intended as soon as I received dispatches from the consul stating the existing condition of things to endeavor to settle the matter with the Yamên. Until then there would seem to have been no harm in the missionaries keeping away from the place of danger. Since the date of my telegram above mentioned I have heard nothing from Chungking about this matter until yesterday. I then received a telegram from Mr. Smithers, of which a copy is inclosed. To this telegram I sent an answer, of which a copy is inclosed.

I have, as you see, applied to the Yamên for protection, and have instructed Mr. Smithers to demand redress from the local authorities.

As my information touching this matter is derived from meager telegrams, I am unable at this time to determine what redress should be demanded. I have instructed Mr. Smithers to report to me his opinion as to what redress should be demanded and what measures should be taken to prevent further violence.

I have, etc.,

Charles Denby.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 2888.—Telegram.]

Mr. Smithers to Mr. Denby.

United States Minister, Peking:

Native hospital assistant killed 6 o’clock this morning at Chiang Pei Mission. Rented place yesterday partly demolished by mob numbered over 100. Await instruction.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 2888.—Telegram.]

Mr. Denby to Mr. Smithers.

Smithers, Chung-king:

Have demanded from Yamên immediate and energetic action. Demand ample redress from local officials.
