Ferrouh Bey to Mr. Hay.


Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to inform your excellency that, in conformity with a determination reached six years ago by my Government, Ottoman subjects who desire to become naturalized as foreigners are not authorized to change their nationality of origin except upon engaging not to return to the Empire.

Now, it sometimes occurs that persons of this class, notwithstanding this engagement, return, it would appear, to Turkey, and as they are provided with foreign passports they seek to take advantage of theii alien quality, which gives rise to all sorts of difficulties between the Sublime Porte and the foreign missions, inasmuch as, according to a decision of a council of state, Ottoman subjects naturalized as foreigners must be considered and treated upon their return as Ottoman subjects, and as our consular agents have received orders not to visé their passports in the case of their wishing to return to Turkey, I beg your excellency to be pleased to take the necessary steps in this regard, with a view to avoiding the difficulties which may result therefrom.

I moreover take the liberty of inviting your excellency’s attention to the action of certain persons who clandestinely endeavor to persuade Ottoman subjects to obtain American nationality without asking the previous authorization of the Imperial Government.

Be pleased, etc.,

Ali Ferrouh.