Mr. Day to Ali Ferrouh Bey.
Washington, September 13, 1898.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note dated the 9th instant, in which, by order of your Government, you inform me that the entry of foreign Israelites into Palestine is prohibited and that the imperial authorities have received orders to prevent the landing of Jewish emigrants. In view of this you add you have to request that I be pleased to take the “necessary energetic measures” to the end of preventing the departure of groups of Israelites for Palestine, thus avoiding the misunderstanding that might result therefrom.
In reply I have the honor to state that neither the Constitution nor the laws of the United States permit the executive authorities of this country to restrict the departure of any persons from this territory on [Page 1088] the grounds mentioned by you, but to the end that the parties in question, should there be any such, may have knowledge of the difficulty they encounter on their entrance into Palestine, I will cause the announcement of your note to be made public.
In this connection I refer you to the correspondence between the Department and your predecessor, Mavroyeni Bey, in March, October, and November, 1888.
Accept, etc.,