Mr. Riddle to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, September 3,
No. 179.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith
translation of a note verbale from the Sublime Porte of August 27 last,
on the subject of the Ottoman regulations which prohibit the entrance of
Jews into Turkey.
I also inclose a copy of my reply of the 2d instant.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 to No.
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to Mr. Riddle.
note verbale.
According to information received by the Sublime Porte 45 Israelites
have recently left the United States for Jerusalem.
As entrance to this Empire is strictly forbidden to Jewish immigrants
(as the United States legation is not unaware), the imperial
authorities have received orders to prevent these individuals from
landing on the Ottoman coast.
The ministry of foreign affairs has the honor to request the United
States legation to be kind enough to notify the proper authorities,
and at the same time to make such communications to its home
Government as will induce the latter to no longer permit the
departure of groups of Israelites for Turkey.
The United States Legation.
[Page 1087]
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, September 2, 1898.
note verbale.
The United States legation has the honor to acknowledge the note
verbale of the ministry of foreign affairs, No. 29562/22, of August
27 last.
This legation has received no information in regard to an alleged
emigration of Israelites from the United States to Jerusalem.
This legation can not view with approval measures of exclusion which
affect a class of American citizens solely on account of their
religious belief, and protests against the execution of any orders
which will have the effect of preventing the landing upon Ottoman
shores of law-abiding American citizens who may be desirous of
visiting the Holy Land.
The Imperial Ministry of Foreign