Mr. Woodford to Mr. Sherman.

No. 229.]

Sir: I have just received and acknowledged an official note from the Spanish minister of foreign affairs expressing the sincere regret of His Majesty’s Government for the excesses committed against the United States consulate at Malaga, and stating that competent instructions have been given to the Spanish authorities for the due protection of the persons and property of the consular representatives of the United States. I have accordingly telegraphed you in cipher as follows:

Madrid, April 17, 1898.

Sherman, Secretary, Washington:

I have just received an official note from the Spanish Government expressing the sincere regret of Spain for the excesses committed against the United States consul at Malaga, and stating that competent instructions have been given to the authorities for the due protection of the persons and property of the consular representatives of the United States throughout Spain.


I am, etc.,

Stewart L. Woodford.