Mr. Aranjo to Mr. Hay.
Central America, Palace of the Executive,
San Salvador, December 5, 1898.
Sir: I have the honor to inform your excellency that a political evolution took place in this country on the 14th of November last, which was designed to reestablish the autonomy and independence of this [Page 177] Republic, breaking, to this effect, the bonds of union with the neigh boring Republics of Nicaragua and Honduras. That movement, which was in harmony with public opinion and seconded by all Salvadorians, has called a new government into existence under the provisional presidency of Gen. Tomás Regalado, of which the undersigned is minister general; this Government has been spontaneously recognized by the whole country, which is in the full enjoyment of peace and tranquillity.
In consequence of the aforesaid event, the executive federal council that represented the ephemeral political entity which was called the United States of Central America was dissolved at Amapala by an instrument bearing date of November 29; the Governments of Nicaragua and Honduras have likewise thereby recovered their independent existence, and the separation of this from those Republics has been consummated, all three having resumed their former amicable relations. The Republic of El Salvador has therefore fully reassumed its autonomy and independence, and has begun once more by itself to form part of the great family of nations, and it desires to reestablish its relations of friendship with those nations with which it had the honor formerly to sustain them. I consequently have the honor to address your excellency for the purpose of informing you that the new Government of El Salvador earnestly desires to maintain and cultivate the most cordial relations of friendship with the Government of the United States of America.
Your excellency will find inclosed two copies of the Official Journal,1 one of which contains the decree reestablishing the autonomy of this Republic, and the other the decree whereby the diplomatic ministers and consular corps of the Greater Republic of Central America are declared no longer to represent El Salvador in foreign countries, of which fact the said officers have already been informed.
I beg your excellency to bring the foregoing to the knowledge of your Government, and at the same time to accept, etc.,
- Not printed.↩