Mr. Dawson to Mr. Sherman.

No. 110.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge and confirm your telegram as follows:

Washington, February 19, 1898.

Dawson, Chargé:

Express gratitude President Moraes’ condolence.

Day, Acting.

[Page 1051]

And to state that I have, complying therewith, written a note to the minister for foreign affairs, a copy of which I inclose, requesting him to convey to the President of Brazil the thanks of the President of the United States for his message of condolence for the disaster to the Maine.

The news of her destruction has called forth many expressions of regret in the Brazilian press.

I have, etc.,

Thomas C. Dawson.
[Inclosure in No. 110.]

Mr. Dawson to Mr. Cerqueira.

I have the honor to request your excellency to convey to His Excellency the President of the United States of Brazil the expression of the sincere gratitude of the President of the United States of America for the message of condolence he had the goodness to send on the occasion of the disaster to the battle ship Maine.

President McKinley is deeply touched by this evidence of the kindness and good will of your honored President toward him and the American people.

It is with great pleasure that I comply with the formal instructions of my Government in this regard.

I gladly, etc.,

Thomas C. Dawson.

On February 19, 1898, the Brazilian minister called at the Department of State, and on behalf of his Government extended its sympathy to the Government and people of the United States on account of the disaster to the U. S. S. Maine in the harbor of Habana.